Village of Sparta Property Tax Information

Where do your property tax dollars go? The articles here can help show you. Click the "Dollar Bill Graphic" links beneath them to find illuminating illustrations.

Residences Qualifying for Principal Residence Exemption (PRE)

Proerty TaxesOne of the most important factors to consider is that while residents pay their taxes to both the Village and Township, the money collected does not all stay within the Village or Township. Those whose permanent home is within the Village limits are considered to be primary residence or formally known as homesteaded residences. This type of residence is now known as Principal Residence Exemption or PRE.

PRE residences are exempt from taxes levied for operation of a local school district up to 18 mills. In order for a land parcel to qualify for PRE, a person must be a resident of Michigan that owns or occupies the property as a primary or principal residence.

For PRE residences within the Village of Sparta, the current millage rate is 38.7234. The Village represents 12 mills of the overall 38.7234. That 12 mills can be broken down as follows: 10 mills for Village Operating, 1.5 mills for Sparta Village Roads, and 0.5 mills for Nash Creek.

PRE residences within the Village also pay four separate millages connected to Kent County that total 12.1964 mills. This includes Kent County Operating, Kent ISD, GRCC, and a Kent County voted millage that goes towards the jail, seniors, and veterans.

The millage rate for PRE residences in the Village of Sparta has dropped by 9.07% since 2004. The village capture has dropped from 16.5 mills in 2004 to 12 mills in 2015, this represents a 27.27% drop in the Village millage. Within Kent County, the Village of Sparta currently ranks 15 out of the 26 municipalities.

Land and Parcels That Are Not a Resident's Permanent Home (Non PRE)

Property TaxesLand and parcels that are not a resident’s permanent home are considered to be non-exempt from millages levied for local school operation. This can add up to 18 mills to the taxes levied on the property.

Land is considered Non-PRE if it is industrial, commercial, rental, second home, or vacant. The millage rate for Non-PRE property within the Village of Sparta is 56.7234. The Village represents 12 mills and are broken down as: 10 mills for Village Operating, 1.5 mills for Sparta Village Roads, and 0.5 mills for Nash Creek.

Like PRE residences, Non-PRE residences also pay 12.1964 mills to Kent County. Unlike PRE households, Non-PRE land owners pay 18 mills for Sparta Schools operating. The trend of falling millages rates since 2004 is true for Non-PRE residences as well.

The village’s millages rate in 2004 for Non-PRE residences was 16.5 and is 12 mills in 2015, this drop represents a 27.27% for the village capture. The overall millage rate has dropped by 9.07% since 2004 as well. The overall millage rate in 2004 was 63.5444 and is now 56.7234 in 2015. Within Kent County, the Village of Sparta currently ranks 15 out of the 26 municipalities.